I’m Kaitie and I’m here to capture the beauty of God in everyday life.

My love for photography began at the mighty age of 14, and has grown ever since. Getting to capture the beautiful moments in life whether it’s the day someone’s life changed, the time everyone smiled in the family photo for once, and everything in between is what makes my world go ‘round. I love to travel, to worship, to dance, and especially to smile. I consider myself an optimist and love to find the best in people and in every situation. It’s easy for me to fall in love with photography because I get to create an environment for people to feel confident, to have fun, and to make the best memories, and then deliver to them photos that they can cherish for a lifetime. Needless to say, I have the best job I could ever ask for getting to see people smile all the time! I thank God everyday for this gift and this opportunity to capture people at their best, and I hope that you would trust me to share those special moments with you.